Data Science Degree Program

NSTC-GRF Pilot Program

Recipient Eligibility:

First-year Ph.D. students enrolled in the first semester of their current year (including registrations in February and September).
The following individuals are not eligible to receive this fellowship:
(1)Those who are engaged in full-time paid employment in public or private sectors or who apply for admission as part-time students possessing responsibilities related to employment.
(2)Students with statuses from Hong Kong, Macau, and Mainland China.
(3)Those who have applied for leave of absence and retained their admission eligibility or have not completed registration after admission.
(4) Those who are concurrently in receipt of scholarship or subsidy offered by the ROC government.

​Maximum Number of Award:

The awards are divided into two categories: NSTC Selection and NSTC Allocation. The total number of the two is 1,000 each year, and will be adjusted based on the pilot program’s circumstances:
(1)NSTC Selection: Applicants must submit their own application materials and select key research areas through the website (log in Academic Research Service Portal: https://www.nstc.gov.tw/?l=en). NSTC conducts academic reviews, selects 400 awardsin accordance with national development and talent cultivation needs.
(2)NSTC Allocation: The 600 fellowships will be allocated based on the proportion of research project funding granted by NSTC to the applicant institution in the previous four years. NSTC notifies each applicant institution accordingly. If the allocation quota is less than one, no award will be granted.

Amount and Duration:

Each fellowship recipient will be granted a monthly stipend of NT$40,000 for a period of up to 3 years, starting from the first year of the Ph.D. program. Stipend for those who graduate less than three years shall last until the month of graduation. The entire stipend is offered by NSTC.

For more information, kindly refer to the attached file and the following website: https://www.nstc.gov.tw/sci/ch/detail/edb3772a-06e9-4bc6-9b32-00fbb30be231